People of Yellowstone


Ruth W. Crocker and Steve Horan

Publication Date: April 1, 2017

Available now!!
188 pages
8.5″ x 11″ hardcover with dust cover
Print ISBN: 978-1-940863-06-1
Price: $24.95 plus $3.99 s&h


Yellowstone National Park is a national treasure recognized throughout the world. This beautiful book features eighty-seven portraits and real-life stories of people who maintain its wildness, capture it in photographs, lead expeditions, collect scientific data, wrangle horses for trail rides, document seismic activity, study wildlife, rescue stranded hikers and climbers, and much more. If you’ve always wanted to work in Yellowstone – you will love these stories and photographs. This book has been recognized by the Turner Foundation, Inc, for its support of environmental preservation. Visit


Ruth W. Crocker is an award-winning writer, and author of memoir, essays and creative nonfiction. She was introduced to Yellowstone by her brother, Ranger Bob Whipple. Visit her website at:


Steve Horan studied photography in Toronto and the U.S. and has worked in many aspects of the art of the photographic image and has had many gallery exhibitions of his work throughout North America. He spent five years crisscrossing three states to find collaborative subjects for this book

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